March 24, 2010

Leggett bill to raise money may violate county law, Andrews says

Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett might have violated a county law passed last year that requires bills to cover only one subject, according to Councilman Philip M. Andrews. Andrews (D-Dist. 3) of Gaithersburg said Tuesday that Leggett included five revenue-generating items under one bill he sent recently to the council. Leggett's bill included a controversial ambulance fee, an energy fee and a shift in county departments — all needed to balance Leggett's proposed fiscal 2011 budget. However, county spokesman Patrick K. Lacefield said the bill did cover one subject: the budget. The council voted 6-3 on Tuesday to split the bill into five separate proposals, which the council will now take up as separate measures. SOURCE: Gazette

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