April 13, 2011

Father receives kidney!

I have good news!! My father who has been battling end stage kidney failure received a kidney from a live donor ( a very good friend of the family) and both donor and recipient are doing well! The transplant was on February 22nd, my father is in the procedd of recovering well and is “out of the woods” as some say after experiencing some “scary speed bumps” of rejection symptoms and a very long hospitalization at Johns Hopkins. Part of his recovery is to get him back in good physical shape, and as a motivator, my dad and I are going to walk and raise money for the National Kidney Foundation of Maryland at their Kidney Walk coming up on May 1st at the Baltimore Zoo. The National Kidney Foundation of Maryland is dedicated to preventing kidney and urinary tract diseases, improving the health and well-being of individuals and families affected by these diseases and increasing the availability of all organs for transplantation.

Check out the National Kidney Foundation of Maryland's Kidney Walk website! You can learn more about the event, and maybe even support my father and me in my fundraising efforts or join us to walk in Kidney Walk 2011!

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Thank You For Your Support!

Shannon McLaughlin, CMA

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