May 18, 2010

GOTCHA: Montgomery County schools trick residents

You are a parent or community member in Montgomery County. A new school is being constructed in your neighborhood. You attend the community meetings to review the plans, you comment, discuss, and think you have been involved in the process of building a new school in your neighborhood. MCPS really knows how to punk a community doesn't it! Gotcha! Here's the latest MCPS "gotcha" in construction plans: the Cabin John Middle School community has suddenly noticed an 11 foot tall retaining wall being constructed at the edges of the CJMS property. This "retaining wall" was not part of the plans for the school vetted by the parents and community.

Imagine that the construction budget for the Cabin John Middle School modernization had ENOUGH SURPLUS CASH to pay for the construction of this enormous 11 foot retaining wall. Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what this wall is costing taxpayers? SOURCE: Parent's Coalition and WUSA9

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