October 28, 2010

Does Mary Kane have 'great people skills' or is she a 'snob'?

Below is an interesting quote from Rep. Connie Morella about Mary Kane, claiming Kane has "great people skills." I've met Kane a few times and that is certainly not my experience. In fact, I can't imagine anyone being more of a nouveau riche snob than Mary Kane (especially one with working-class roots). I have also heard this perspective from distinguished Republican leaders in Montgomery County. One high-level woman in a Montgomery County woman's club told me that picking Kane was a "questionable decision" for Bob Ehrlich, though that comment was said to me in early September and maybe things have changed. I should also add that Kane has cancelled several already-scheduled events and even cancelled one for a debate with Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown hiding behind a church Mass (as if Mass had not previously been scheduled in that time slot).

"Telling YouTube viewers that he'd found "somebody to help me turn Annapolis around," former Maryland governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. welcomed Mary D. Kane to his Republican gubernatorial ticket four months ago with a peck on the cheek," writes The Post's Mike DeBonis. "Since then, Kane has carried high hopes for boosting Ehrlich's bid for a return to the governor's mansion. Best known in statewide circles for her two years as Ehrlich's secretary of state and for her husband's high profile in business and Republican politics, Kane has twice waged tough election campaigns of her own - and can also boast an inspiring personal biography, rising from working-class roots and more than a decade as a full-time mother to a successful career in law, politics and business."

Constance A. Morella, a Republican who represented the county in Congress for nine terms, said Kane can attract Montgomery's overwhelmingly Democratic voters. "She's moderate," Morella said. "That's what people want. And she's a lawyer, she's a mother; she's got great people skills."
SOURCE: Washington Post