April 12, 2010

Bob Greenfest leads Santos, Postal Accountants in Rockville

Bob Greenfest is a Principal at Santos, Postal & Company P.C. (www.SantosPostal.com), a Rockville, Maryland based CPA and consulting firm established in 1971. Bob leads SantosPostal’s Turnaround Management Division wherein he assists companies in regaining operational excellence and positive cash flow. Based on his advice and guidance, he is a cross between Dr. Phil and Dr. House. Bob is also SantosPostal’s social media guru. He actively updates his LinkedIn profile (http://www.linkedin.com/in/robertgreenfest), Twitter profile (@BobGreenfest), and blog titled Finance, Banking and Clear Thoughts on the World (www.bobgreenfest.wordpress.com). Bob can be reached at 240-499-2075 or BGreenfest@SantosPostal.com.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to read about Bob Greenfest. These days, a "turnaround specialist is a
godsend. Bob is a pleasure.
--Alan Shecter